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Friday 6-8pm, Saturday & Sunday, 10am-5:30pm


In this Healer Training Level 1 class you will learn about the 2-stage Pranayama Breathwork meditation, which is one of the foundational tools of the work. You will learn why the breath is used the way it is in clearing your mind and body of stuck energy. Exercises and partnered breakout sessions within the class are used to develop your connection to intuition, boost confidence around your gifts and talents to live freely, and open the heart to the power of self-love.


The Level 1 class includes hands on training and guidance with all of David Elliott’s healing tools and extensive discussion about the work, the breath and what it is to heal yourself and others. This class is the first of four levels that certify you to work with others and lead breath work circles. You will be able to lead your own one-on-one Breathwork sessions following this class.


Please bring a notebook, something to write with, an eye cover, yoga mat, and a curious mind. Light snacks will be provided at the break. You will have a one-hour lunch break each day.


Recommended but not required reading before class: Healing & The Reluctant Healer (both by David Elliott)


Total cost for the course is $450. Payment plans are available, and discounts apply to those repeating the class; inquire with Debby.


2/14 6pm - 8pm (open to the public)

2/15 10am - 5:30pm

2/16 10am - 5:30pm




Payment plans available, contact Hamsa for details.

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